The vaccination centre, operational at the Lindley Hall, Westminster, has now closed having completed in safely delivering 30, 326 jabs to four Healthcare Trusts in the local community.
The Hall was open on a twice weekly basis from January to tackle the Covid-19 inoculation drive with the help of 1,414 volunteers including the Halls’ own operational team. With the donation of such a large venue, it facilitated a quicker rollout in the area and roving teams were able to vaccinate the homeless, refugees and the housebound.
Venue sales executive Jessica Harris said, “I’m so pleased The Halls were able to help our local Healthcare Trusts with the vaccination programme and we could do something worthwhile for the community in this challenging time.”
Since then, seven large events have taken place at the venue with zero recourse from track and trace, including the Royal Horticultural Society Awards attended by 130 guests. Comments from the event included “I just wanted to say a big thank you for the great organisation of the awards event. The venue was fab and the whole ceremony was well organised. It was well worth waiting for, thank you.” Key accounts are returning in droves and enquiries from new clients are up by 60%.
Harris continued “it’s wonderful to have our long-standing clients back and welcome new ones at in person site visits. People clearly appreciate face-to-face interaction and relish getting away from a screen!”
September and October will see a variety of events at the Halls including exhibitions, sales, wine tastings and conferences.
Site visits are taking place on Wednesdays and can be booked through Jessica direct on: 0207 821 3695.