Robots can’t raise a toast: Why events need the human touch


By Dermot Herlihy, Commercial Director

at DUKES London

Technology is advancing at lightning speed and in recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly finding its place in the hospitality and events industry. From automated RSVPs to virtual event planning assistants, AI promises efficiency and convenience. But when it comes to creating truly memorable events, there’s one thing technology will never replace – the human touch.

At DUKES London, we know that the success of any event, whether it’s a wedding, a corporate gathering, or a private celebration, hinges on the personal connections and intuitive service that only experienced professionals can provide. While AI can suggest menu options or even predict guest preferences, it lacks the emotional intelligence to sense the atmosphere in a room or respond with the warmth and adaptability that make events truly special.

Consider this: AI might be able to automate logistics, but it can’t deliver a heartfelt toast, adjust the mood lighting on the fly, or offer a reassuring smile when a guest’s nerves start to fray. Our event staff at DUKES London bring years of expertise, creativity, and a genuine passion for service that ensures every detail is perfect – even when the unexpected happens.

For example, during a recent outdoor event, an unpredicted rainstorm could have dampened the spirits of our guests. While AI might have foreseen the weather, it was our team who seamlessly transitioned the celebration indoors, keeping the party going without missing a beat.

In the end, while AI can assist in many ways, it’s the human touch that elevates an event from ordinary to extraordinary, because in the end, it’s the people who make the difference.