No.11 Cavendish Square is leading the way in meeting the needs of hybrid working. Meeting technology, able to use any platform, has been integrated into the Marlborough Suite, Edwards and Maxwell rooms. There is no additional charge for using the new technology.
In 2021 we embarked on a project to upgrade all rooms in 3 stages to include hybrid technology. We intend to make life easier and less stressful for event organisers, without hidden costs. With stage 1 of the project now complete, stage 2 is underway, the final stage later this year.
Stage 1 includes the Marlborough Suite, the Edwards Room and the Maxwell Room.

The Marlborough Theatre, Edwards and Maxwell rooms have two Pan Tilt and Zoom (P.T.Z.) cameras, enabling different filming angles. Ceiling microphones in these rooms will be unnoticed by in-room delegates whilst capturing all sound in the room for remote delegates to hear.
Marlborough 1, 2, 3 and 4 now include an integrated camera, microphone, and speakers. We have also installed a computer behind each screen and a wireless keyboard to host the meeting. Clients can use their laptops either for their personal use or plug into the technology to host the meeting if they prefer.
This new integrated hybrid technology offers the event organiser greater flexibility at the planning stage and on the day of the event:
Convenience – the technology is integrated into the room, so there is no need to have 3-way communications between 3rd party supplier, event manager and in-house av technician.
Risk – The system was designed and used by our in-house experts meaning the reduced risk for technical failure. Their in-depth knowledge of the technology and venue allows them to advise the event organiser on the best layouts of meetings and equipment for more complicated briefs.
Relationship – a small team of experts means that relationships can be built with the client when planning their events. Experts can then build on their intricate knowledge of the venue and the client’s needs to offer better solutions for future events.
Value – As equipment and staff are onsite, the cost of hybrid meetings is competitive even when a dedicated A.V. technician is required.
If you have any questions or need to book an event, we would love to speak with you: or 020 7307 2474.