At Lemon Zest we deliver events in all shapes and sizes; from intimate conferences to jaw dropping showcase award evenings. Some of our customers come to us to deliver high energy events such as those for corporate customers or hair and fashion events where a high impact event is needed to wow the crowds.

 Here are my hints and tips for putting on an event with high energy that packs a punch. 

1.    The Power of LED. Think oversized LED screens that can incorporate light shows and project powerful images. You can use multiple screens to show different images or video all timed for maximum impact – even to music. 

2.    Acts – ask our team for advice about what acts will get the desired crowd reaction. It’s not always the case that bigger is better but choosing acts and entertainers that match the theme, venue & goals.

 At a fashion show we delivered for a customer that had a peaky blinders theme, at the height of peaky blinders fever, the audience were lucky enough to see two of the actors from the show used as part of the catwalk show – the audience were captivated! See the video.

 3.    Access all areas – think about how your venue can be used from top to bottom. Not just at eyeline but, for example, aerial circus type acts, theming, or fly ins.

4.    Get maximum bang for your buck. Your high energy events should work for you pre and post the main event. Post event PR and social engagement using video can be edited for the purpose and be used for follow ups and of course across social media. Its a great way to make the experience last way after the event has finished.

5.    Lights, camera, action. The use of video, animation and sound can create a backdrop that requires no words. Delivered with the right combination will engage your guests and create enough drama to make it a special experience for all. 

 High impact events should be a cool experience but they also need to engage with the audience.. So think about your brand and reflect this throughout the event. Check out this video from an event earlier this year – an awards dinner kicking off with a catwalk show for a fantastic hairdressing company. Just check out how the themes and styles they are showcasing are brought to life with the special effects, colours and LED wall behind them.

Your events management team should act as your business designers to custom design your event / experience and should be able to provide you with plenty of ideas.

Want to find out more about our services and how we can transform and create high energy events? Of course you do, head over to and get the zest!