Eventwise: Revolutionising event financial management

Eventwise, the trailblazing financial services provider for the events industry, has successfully launched its revolutionary SaaS platform. The game-changing solution is now fully operating, serving event organisers with its comprehensive financial management tools and already making a significant impact in the sector.

The vision for this innovative platform is simple yet profound – to empower organisers with unwavering cost-control, accuracy, and unmatched efficiency. The result? The ability to drastically reduce costs and potentially save thousands in the process.

Born from the sweaty dance floors of Bristol’s student nights and nurtured by the electric atmosphere of music festivals, Eventwise founder and CEO Chris Carter has transformed his passion for events into a mission to solve the industry’s most pressing financial challenges.

“Our journey from providing accounting services to hundreds of event businesses has led us to this pivotal moment, and we’ve created a platform that not only streamlines financial processes but also empowers organisers with unparalleled cost control and efficiency.”

Now, Eventwise serves as an all-encompassing financial management solution, seamlessly integrating budgeting, forecasting, stakeholder management, approvals, and accounting.

Looking back on the journey thus far, the Eventwise team couldn’t be prouder of what they have achieved. Yet, they are equally excited about the uncharted territories that lie ahead.


