Robert Kenward appointed to the Meetings Industry Association’s board

Robert Kenward, Fitability® Recruiter at You Search & Select has been appointed as a board member of the Meetings Industry Association (MIA).

With recruitment being an ongoing challenge for the sector, the leading industry recruitment expert will focus on providing best practice guidance and strategic advice to board members.  

MIA chief executive, Kerrin MacPhie, said: “Our latest quarterly MIA Insights report revealed 70% of members reported staff vacancies, an increase of 9% on October 2023, while 49% consistently report a skills shortage. We’re therefore pleased that Robert Kenward, a vocal and pragmatic exponent for strategic recruitment practices, has joined our board. We welcome Robert’s expertise and look forward to working with him as we continue to address the industry’s staffing issues.”

Robert Kenward, Fitability® Recruiter at You Search & Select, said: “I am incredibly proud to be appointed to the MIA board. The MIA understands that recruitment is not just about filling positions; it’s a crucial part of an organisation’s business strategy. The MIA’s strategic role, their connection with government and their ability to influence the development of our industry is something I’m eager to support. By being on the board, I hope to amplify recruitment as a strategy and highlight its potential as a positive force for change across our sector.”

Kenward is also a keen advocate of DEI and was the co-founder of the REACH university scholarship programme created to encourage more Black, Asian and underrepresented minority ethnic people into the industry.

He added: “My MIA board role will enable me to spread the importance of DEI further and help open doors and provide more opportunities for underrepresented groups and ensuring that our industry is as diverse and vibrant as possible.”