“20 Questions with…” is a new editorial segment that aims to help us learn even more about some of the most influential and interesting people out there!
Lord Jason Scott
Prestige Events Magazine had the pleasure of getting to know the one and only, Lord Jason Scott. Founder and CEO of Lokkima- Fat Loss Technology and Franchises, Speaker, 2 X Best Selling Author, event industry legend, and member of LevelUponSlack.
1. You are a legend in the world of events! What inspired you to create
Lokkima, The Eventrepreneur, and The Guestlist Podcast?
Thank you, I was doing very well in events, loved every moment of it but members of my family were not getting the same opportunity to do something they loved, so I looked at what my family focused on. This research lead to me understanding that looking and feeling good was the one thing that everyone of us had in common and so Lokkima ( a new wave) was born. An aesthetic cosmetic technology business that could help my dad and so many others live a life of passion, purpose, and profit. You can see more of my story here and see the treatment in detail in his interview on the Espresso morning show in South Africa.
Eventrepreneur Ltd was started, with one aim in mind, to help as many people as possible level up in their business. It is now growing to be the fastest-growing business group for founders in the world, connecting entrepreneurs throughout the world over Slack. Our community of members represents 6, 7, 8, even 9-digit founders. LevelUp OnSlack ‘Your Network is your Net-Worth’ is a group dedicated to working together, assisting each other and mentoring each other to achieve growth like never before. A community moderated and mentored by founders and business owners who have excelled way past 6 figures and some way over 7 and 8 figures.
As for The Guestlist Podcast? As podcasting continues to go mainstream, more listeners overall means more possibilities for your organization to reach new clients and customers. So it only makes sense that I launched a podcast. That said, I had no idea that it would do as well as it has, but I believe this is more due to my guests than my hosting skills. The secondary reason for me having a podcast, and this could be one for you too is to enable me to build a stronger relationship with you, my followers, fans, friends, and audience – much stronger than I could ever do with just my tweets, and blogs alone, I believe. I also teach others to podcast now and have a consulting service to take people from podcast zero to listeners hero.

2. What are 5 things on your bucket list?
1. MBE for the work I am doing with the Podcast and LevelUPonSlack.
2. Visit every country in the world.
3. Speak at TEDx
4. have £41 Million in my bank
5. Give away £41 Million to help as many people as possible

3. Would you be willing to eat an entire bowl of (live) crickets for £40,000?
In a heartbeat.

4. If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
I would hang at the Prestige Events Magazine HQ and see how you guys interact.

5. Who is your hero?
Thomas Bilyeu, an American entrepreneur best known as a co-founder of Quest Nutrition, the second fastest growing private company in North America.

6. What social issues are important to you?
Single Parents, Mobility, Curing MS, Mental Health.

7. Trump? Brexit?
Never discuss Religion or Politics. I focus instead on my micro-cosm and what can I do within it to make the people and planet a better place to inhabit.

8. What cheers you up?
Friends and loved ones, I make it a priority to speak to one of each every single day.

9. What is the last item your purchased?
A pair of Gucci Sneakers for The Hot 50 Awards in London.

10. What do you want to get better at?
Priority management, focus and money management.

11. Could you go for an entire week without using social media?
Without a shadow of a doubt but why would I? I would miss so many friends and moments.

12. If you could be any character from a film, who would you be?
Archer from the cartoon show, Archer.

13. What is your favourite song?
YelaWolf Get “Till It’s Gone” on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/TillItsgone

14. If you could have one super power what would it be?
To have the ability to make any wish come true.

15. Name something you would like to change about the events industry?
More data, more transparency, more opportunities for women for advancement and training.

16. Name one of your most embarrassing moments?
I have too many to list, one I even wrote about in Prestige Events Magazine, find the issue and watch me squirm.

17. What is your life motto?
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

18. Do you have any hidden talents?
I can juggle, I do magic, I can remember meaningless quotes and have a phonographic memory.

19. Name your 3 favourite venues?
The Bloomsbury Ballroom
The NED.

20. Name the greatest event you have ever been to?
The Brits, at the O2 was one of the greatest events that I have been to, after my marriage to my best friend, Samantha White.